all postcodes in CW2 / CREWE

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Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW2 6AD 16 9 53.088896 -2.437277
CW2 6AF 16 12 53.089211 -2.437608
CW2 6AG 1 1 53.089404 -2.436461
CW2 6AH 6 0 53.085746 -2.441201
CW2 6AL 19 11 53.088593 -2.439379
CW2 6AT 30 12 53.088237 -2.440734
CW2 6AW 33 23 53.088816 -2.439769
CW2 6AX 9 8 53.087927 -2.442015
CW2 6BA 11 4 53.088331 -2.441691
CW2 6BG 14 6 53.087712 -2.44376
CW2 6BJ 1 1 53.08775 -2.443551
CW2 6BL 22 0 53.085774 -2.438365
CW2 6BP 22 9 53.08702 -2.446529
CW2 6BS 1 1 53.08745 -2.444578
CW2 6BW 1 1 53.087641 -2.444057
CW2 6BY 7 6 53.087044 -2.447411
CW2 6DA 13 8 53.087451 -2.446251
CW2 6DD 13 10 53.087763 -2.445119
CW2 6DF 30 19 53.088138 -2.443286
CW2 6DH 33 0 53.087119 -2.444022